Welcome Back, Rattlers! (email 7/30/24)
Welcome Back, Rattlers!
We're thrilled to start the school year on Thursday, August 8th! Here's some important information to ensure a smooth beginning:
Morning Routine:
- Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten will get a specific update from their teachers.
- 1st-5th grade students will participate in the morning walk until the bell rings at 7:55 AM. Afterward, they will line up with their class, see image below.
- Middle school students will walk the field and then line up outside their classroom.
Traffic Update:
Students may be dropped off and picked up in the “hug and go” lane only between the designated areas. The designated area is between the office crosswalk and the flagpole. Please do not drop off or pick up your child until you are within the designated area. If you wish to park on the first day, you may use the designated parking spots in our school lot, by the CSD field, or on Royal Oaks. A detailed description is available on our website
During the first week, we will have CHP assistance for traffic management, along with support from myself, our assistant principal, and our staff.
Air Quality:
If the air quality index is in the orange range or over 100, we will hold recess indoors. We will monitor conditions on the Airnow.gov website.
Teacher Assignments:
BUSD is happy to introduce Alma, our new student information system! Alma will activate and send out login links to families on August 6th after 4 p.m. The Alma email will come from notifications@getalma.com. After logging into Alma, click on your student’s name. That will take you to the student overview screen, which will show the class and teacher's name.
Middle School Reminder:
Rattler Ready Day is tomorrow, July 31st from 8:30-2:30. Students can pick up their schedules, visit the campus, pick up a planner, purchase PE uniforms (cash/check only), drop off medication permission slips as well as complete immunization records. This is a drop in event, you are not expected to be here for the entire time.
Always reach out if you need anything or have questions.